CMBA Participates in Legislative Discussion on Housing Reform
CMBA Participates in Legislative Discussion on Housing Reform
Builders, developers, cities and state regulators gather to address housing crisis
Minnesota legislators have been working hard this month to address the state's housing crisis by hosting meetings between local government groups, housing reform advocates, and the housing industry.
On Tuesday October 29th, CMBA participated in a virtual meeting dedicated to housing affordability challenges in Greater Minnesota. Other participants included the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities, Representative Larry Kraft, Senator Lindsey Port, and Representative Michael Howard.
"We hear it from employers in the community," said Wanda Schroeder, executive director of CMBA. "There is both an affordability and inventory crisis in the St. Cloud region, and this makes it harder for employers to attract and retain talent."
According to a report issued by Up for Growth last year, the slowdown in construction is harming housing affordability and access in the St. Cloud region. The area's housing deficit is 1,652 units, raising costs on both existing homes and apartments, leaving 49% of area renters cost-burdened.
In addition to participating in the meeting, CMBA sent a letter to the legislators highlighting the need for statewide land use reform in the 2025 legislative session.
Tuesday's meeting was the third meeting in an ongoing series organized by legislators to be held this month. Housing First Minnesota participated in meetings on Oct. 2 and Oct 21 on behalf of its members, including CMBA. Another meeting, on Oct. 18, was organized by local government groups and focused solely on Twin Cities metro issues.
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