CMBA - New Minnesota Laws Effective January 1st

CMBA - New Minnesota Laws Effective January 1st
Several new Minnesota laws went into effect January 1st. Check-out the links below for more details. Here are a few impacting CMBA members, along with the state's new paid leave program:
- Salary ranges required in job postings, “a person or entity that employs 30 or more employees at one or more sites in Minnesota” must disclose in each job posting the starting salary range or fixed pay rate and a general description of all benefits and other compensation. The salary range cannot be open-ended.
- Uniform Minimum Wage, the distinction between large and small employers is removed, standardizing the minimum wage across all employers. Additionally, the cap on annual minimum wage increases due to inflation is raised from 2.5% to 5%, effective August 1, 2024. Minimum wage is $11.13 an hour as of Jan. 1.
- Applying the cold weather rule to shared-meter utility billing, preventing residential utility customers from having electric or natural gas service shut-off between Oct. 1 and April 30. It also provides for resolution by the Public Utilities Commission when tenants and landlords cannot reach an agreement in a dispute.
- Tenant associations allowed to form an organization, whether incorporated or not, to improve housing conditions, amenities, or community life. It will further allow tenant organizers to assist tenants in establishing and operating an association provided they are not an employee or representative of the current or prospective landlord, property owner, manager, or landlord agent.
Disclaimer: As always, it may be necessary to consult legal counsel to determine specific applications of new laws to your business, situations and circumstances.
For more information: Steve Gottwalt, CMBA Government Affairs, 952.923.5265,
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