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ACTION ALERT: Email Campaign Targets Awful Independent Contractor Bill

ACTION ALERT: Email Campaign Targets Awful Independent Contractor Bill

Floor votes coming soon for proposed new, intensive tests and penalties that would hurt small businesses

Housing First MN has issued an Action Alert urging developers, builders and affiliates to email a strong message to lawmakers urging them to oppose the so-called "Misclassification of Employees prevention" bill, HF444/SF4483.

Send message - Click here!

"No one is advocating for 'misclassification' of workers," said CMBA Government Affairs Consultant, Steve Gottwalt. "But this bill goes too far and could have devastating impacts to small businesses, including many of our CMBA members."

The bill contains specific language targeting "Misclassification of Construction Employees", adding new documentation requirements and penalties for non-compliance. The bill would move from the current nine-item checklist to determine whether or not a worker is an "independent contractor", to a list of fourteen more intensive tests.  It also would impose a long list of new prohibited activies related to independent contractor status.

Many business advocates have pointed-out Minnesota already has some of the strongest worker protection laws in the country, and are deeply concerned about the bill's overall impact on particularly small businesses. Check-out this MinnPost article on the issue and legislation:  Click here.

Housing First MN recently sent-out an Action Alert with an email form for members and supporters to send legislators the following message: 

As a constituent and member of the housing industry, I am writing to you to urge you to vote "NO" on HF4444 (Greenman)/SF 4483 (Oumou Verbeten).

While we support holding bad actors accountable within the construction industry and beyond, this bill will only add to the barriers of housing affordability in Minnesota.

Specifically, the individual liability will have a serious impact on our already struggling workforce crisis.

The new 14-point test for independent contractors is confusing and will cause chaos for those that are simply trying to abide by the rules.

And finally, without a willful intent clause, those employers that are acting in good faith and make an honest mistake could be swept up and unfairly punished.

Again, we share the goal of holding purposefully bad actors accountable, but this bill is not the way to do it.

Thank you for your consideration.

For more information, contact:  Steve Gottwalt, CMBA Government Affairs,, 952-923-5265.

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