A G E N D A:
8:00 Welcome
8:02 Approve Agenda
8:04 Guest Presenters: Housing First Minnesota (Nick Erickson & Mark Foster) Results of The 2024 Election: National and Minnesota A historic election has significantly changed the political landscape nationally. Here in Minnesota, we have the first split majority in the House of Representatives since 1979. Most of these results bode well for businesses, including builders and contractors. Find out more from our colleagues at Housing First Minnesota and CMBA Government Affairs Consultant, Steve Gottwalt, about how the election results will impact housing policy and regulations.
8:30 MN Regulatory Update: (Nick Erickson and Mark Foster) – Updates on the State Building Code, Lead Paint rules, Energy Code, legislative priorities for 2025, lawsuit challenging permit fees, and more.
8:40 Local Government Affairs: (Steve Gottwalt, CMBA Government affairs) – Local elections have led to new mayors in three area communities, and new city council members throughout the area. Find out who is now in charge as our communities take-on housing supply as a major priority.
8:55 CMBA Members: Open forum for members to bring-up regulatory challenges/concerns.
9:00 Adjourn.
Central Minnesota Builders Association
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