A G E N D A:
8:00 Welcome (Committee Chair, David Werschay, Werschay Homes)
8:02 Approve Agenda
8:05 Special Guest, Local Gov’t Affairs:Matt Glaesman – City of St. Cloud Community Development Director
There’s a lot happening in St. Cloud! The City Council just approved a new ADU ordinance, and city planners are looking at other ways to address the need for more housing of all kinds. The City is also looking at how to revitalize its downtown and East Side. We will learn more from, and discuss these topics with, Mr. Glaesman.
There is a lot going on this summer with building, plumbing and energy codes at the state level. And the fallout from the 2023-2024 legislative sessions hits home this summer as several laws impacting developers, builders and other businesses took effect July 1st. There has also been legal action impacting development fees. We’ll get an update from our colleagues at Housing First MN.
8:50 CMBA Member Issues/Discussion
9:00 Adjourn.
Central Minnesota Builders Association
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